I think rider 066 is either lost or is trying to set himself up for the absolute longest ride possible at the start of our rally (which, by the way, is April 1st). LOL…I love it! Taking the flag to the Florida keys. We also have registered riders in Alaska, so if they post a picture of their flag near some iconic Alaskan object, we will be set!

All flags have been mailed and most have been received. I only had 2 returned and they are now headed back to where they belong, too. We crossed a magic threshold of 300 riders this weekend. I ordered more flags and they should be here soon, so if you are signing up as rider 301 and above, be patient. Your flag will make it to you in time for the start of the rally (yes, still April 1st).
Quite a few great examples of good pictures have been submitted on the Facebook Group page. It is fun watching people get out there and practice. Next step, practice sending a few pictures to the required e-mail address. We will not score anything on Facebook. You have to submit the picture via e-mail to pnwgrandtour@gmail.com to get credit. Feel free to post your efforts on Facebook for others to cheer, but please know I will spend exactly zero seconds trying to score anything from the Facebook page. Also, please read the instructions for submitting your pictures. We need a rider number and destination code (WA1, for example) in the e-mail, preferably in the subject line (for example, your subject line be be “Rider 001 WA1” or something like that).
Sometime between now and the start of the rally (yes, still on April 1st), do yourselves a favor and come back to this web site and review the rules and the Frequently Asked Questions. It could save you from being sad later 🙁