This has a fun story with it. We took pictures after we had dinner inside the Annie Creek Restaurant at the CL Visitor Center. We ran into 2 young workers there from New York, who were asking about what we were doing and we explained our adventure with the PNW Grand Tour. Then the next day when we went up, (we had stayed at the Aspen Inn in Fort Klamath, which by the way is an AWESOME place to stay). So we had breakfast up there and when we were leaving, I was looking all over for my flag ( I have a missing flag gene apparently.) I was freaking out because I thought I had lost it. And as we were standing by our bikes, here come the 2 girls from the night before. One of them asked if we were missing a green flag? Yeah, I said. Well, I had apparently driven off the night before without putting it up (it’s the gene I have) and they found it and put it in a snow bank that we would be passing to our next destination. So here is that picture of me finding my flag. AGAIN!!!! NEXT EMAIL WILL HAVE MY OFFICIAL FLAG PICTURE.

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