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Tag Archives: 22GT|GT02
GT02 Cooper Spur
GT02 -177 Jim Hill
GT02 by rider 015
GT02 Rider 52
Cooper Spur Mt. Resort
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
GT02 Hood River, OR Cooper Spur Mountain Resort
GT02 Hood River, OR Cooper Spur Mountain Resort
GT02 Rider 176 Copper Spur
Here is the resubmittal of GT02
I found out why I missed it the first time. There was a large road construction presence the first visit which included trucks covering the sign from plain view. It was still my fault for not paying attention and lesson learned.
I found out why I missed it the first time. There was a large road construction presence the first visit which included trucks covering the sign from plain view. It was still my fault for not paying attention and lesson learned.